25 April 2010

Arizona Treads on American Rights by Giving Police the Right to Detain Americans

On Friday Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed into law Arizona Senate Bill 1070. This bill will allow police to stop anyone that looks like an illegal immigrant and ask for their residency papers. If the stopped individual is unable to show their papers they can be detained. The horrible thing is if they are actually a citizen and did not have their papers they are given a 500 dollar fine and 6 months in jail.There is no way to identify illegal immigrant. As most people know illegal immigrants come from all parts of the world and not just Mexico. This is  a bill will discriminate Hispanics and other peoples of color.

Immigrants built this nation into what it is today. Naivest movements come and go, but what is scary about this movement is that a state government is supporting it. The bill allows a great expansion of state power through law enforcement. The ability given to police in Arizona now can be compared with power given to police in the Soviet Union and Nazi German. I know these are radical examples, but this is how bad this law can get if something is not done.  What needs to be done to counteract this law is support of its repeal.

This law does not help the common good of the American people. The law is direct discrimination of American citizens. There are better ways to fix the immigration system than discriminating against a group. It important that people express their displeasure, because complacency will allow this to happen in more areas.

Fact Sheet for S.B. 1070
Arizona S.B. 1070

22 April 2010

Happy Earth Day

Today is the 40th anniversary of Earth Day. It is important today that a conversation is started on sustainability and what we as a nation could do to help. Doing things to help out are not difficult. Simple things like recycling, buying reusable products, and using more efficient products also can make a big difference. For example buying four 13 watt CFL bulbs would equal a regular 60 watt light bulb. Technically four rooms could be lit for the price of one. Another item using reusable shopping bags also help dramatically. By using those bags can cut the amount of plastic used in the environment. Along the same lines carry your own water in a reusable water bottle. This will cut the amount of plastic used, save water, and save you money. On average 60oz of water are used to make a 20oz bottled water bottle. This is horrible.
If we all work together we can save the world. The important thing to remember if we work for the common civic good we will all suceed.