03 February 2010

In a Daily Kos Poll Republicans Help Enforce Sterotypes

Four days ago The Daily Kos did a poll on how Republicans see themselves and the President. It was shocking the results that their survey. Many of the stereotypes that the poll covered were on Barrack Obama's birth, should Obama be impeached, is Obama a socialist, and does Obama want the terrorists to win. The poll surveyed 2,000 self described Republicans with a 2 percent margin of error.

On the first question should Obama be impeached, 39 percent responded that he should be impeached. The funny thing of this is that there has not been any proof of this statement at all. In the second question is Obama a socialist, 63 percent responded that Obama was a socialist. A false belief by Republicans during town halls and was rapidly flamed during the healthcare debate. Bernie Sanders from Vermont is the only person that calls himself a socialist and the correct term is Democratic Socialist. On the question of Obama's birth in this country, 36 percent responded that he was not born in the U.S. Many programs and fact checkers have shown the birth certificate and the birth announcement in the paper. To deny this as truth is another way to deny the legitimacy of this President. The final question that I will look at is does Obama want the terrorists to win, 24 percent responded in favor of that question. I would hope as American citizens we would be in favor of defeating our enemies and that would be a common goal.

A final note on the survey, it worries me that the South as a demographic lead on all these categories. The sad thing is that an argument could be made that a majority of these beliefs could be based more on racism then actual policy. If we as Americans cannot get away from our fears our country will not grow. To become better citizens we need to move on and learn to accept our neighbors as friends and not enemies. If we do not do this personal growth, we will lose our unity as one people and be demolished by other interests.

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